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Showing posts from 2023

Magkaisa 2023

The 21st annual Magkaisa Filipino American Student and Parent Conference: Keeping our Culture and Identity Alive Through Art was a tremendous success! The conference was held on October 28, 2023, at Otay Ranch High School.  Magkaisa is a Filipino word for unity. In 2002, the Filipino American educators of Sweetwater Union High School District united to respond to concerns that our Filipino American youths were experiencing a high rate of thoughts of suicide, suicide attempt, and gang involvement. The purposes of that first conference were to bridge the gap between parents and youth and to affirm our identity as Filipino Americans by exploring what that meant through workshops on history and culture. Through the years, the conference has broadened to include workshops on college/university preparation and exposure to traditional and non-traditional careers. A huge thank you to our conference chairs: Ms. Dinnah B. Donato-Palmore, Counselor and Mr. Rizalyn Cruz, Filipino Language Teac...